Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Myanmar Day 3 - Jesus loves the little children..

We visited 3 of the Ignite churches, it was a good time fellowshipping and connecting with the pastors and leaders. It was really inspiring to see their heart to win the youths of this nation despite the many challenges. The highlight of the day was the visit to the orphanage. It was a long day and night has already fallen when we reached the orphanage. We were all tired physically but spiritually revived to see the simple faith and exuberance of the children. 5 of the kids' parents died in the cyclone Nargis. We sense God's loving presence with the children, many lives were deeply impacted that night, including ours. We prayed for a boy who couldn't hear and he could hear after that! He was happy and so were we! Prayed for a boy who was HIV positive, believe that Jesus had healed him. The lady taking care of the children was healed of a pain in her arm as well! We left the orphanage with tears in our eyes, wished we could spend the next few days with the kids..

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