Monday, June 21, 2010

Hanging around the throne..

I realise that the Father do not need His children to do anything for Him. He just want their kids to enjoy being with Him, enjoy His love, having fun.

Then comes a point in time when the kids began to catch their Father's heart and want to run alongside Him in accomplishing His business.

Teach me to work with Him and not for Him. I want to be a child.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

When do they get to choose?

Hitler persuaded the German people to destroy more than 6 million Jews in WWII. He convinced them that Jews were not humans and then exterminated them like rats.

Americans enslaved tortured and killed millions of Africans. They were dehumanized so that the American Constitution didnt apply to them and then they were treated worse than animals.

Native American Indians were hunted like wild animals, driven out of their own land, their villages burned, their women raped and their children slaughtered. People were made to believe that Native americans were wild savages, not real human beings and then they were brutalised without any conviction of wrongdoing.

Do we understand how we have persuaded mothers to kill their own babies? We took the word 'fetus', which is the Latin word for 'offspring' and redefined it to dehumanize the unborn. We told mothers, “This is not really a baby you are carrying in your belly, it's a fetus, tissue that suddenly forms into a human beings just seconds before it exits the womb."

In doing so, we were able to assert that in the issue of abortion, there is only one person's human rights to consider and then we convinced mothers that disposing of fetal tissue(terminating the life of their babies) was a woman's right. Our constitution no longer protects the unborn because they are not real people. They are just lifeless blobs of tissue.

Jews, Native Americans, African Americans should be the greatest defenders of the unborn on the planet. After all they know what's it like for society to redefine them so that they can destroy these races. But ironically, they have the highest abortion rates in America. Somebody is still trying to exterminate their people and they don't even realise it. The names have changed but the plot remains the same.

When a pregant woman is murdered, constitution states that it is a double murder. Is there anything else, anywhere else in the world that is defined by the circumstances of its termination rather than the origin of its conception? For instance, imagine running a vehicle into a wall and then if you did it on purpose, call it an iron old mineral deposit but if you did it by accident, call it an automobile. How stupid would it be to classify a vehicle by its termination rather than its conception? The people who need most protection, because they have no voice and no vote, are screaming silently as they are terminated in their mothers' wombs.

The injustice continues when we call those who are pro-abortion, pro-choice. The question isn't whether a woman gets to choose, it's when she gets to choose. In nearly every case, the act of sexual intercourse that resulted in conception was a choice made by a man and a woman, an act of their wills (assault rape pregnancies are extremely rare). But pro-choice advocates insist that conception is something that is caught, a disease, something that couldnt be helped. When does the child's will matter? When do they get to choose?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

We owe the world an encounter with God

Recognise what God has already given to us...

Most boredness in prayer is due to us praying for things we already have...

We cry out for an outpouring without realising that we are knee-deep in water...

Water attracts water...

Most closed heavens are in between the ears...

Step out in faith with what we already have and we will see an outpouring...

We owe the world an encounter with God.