For every single person that is fake and leaving a lie, there are a thousand others who are real and burning torches for the Lord.
I have been worshipping with that song a lot these few days and it makes me feel how great God is and how small man is.
My heart goes out to the people of that awesome nation. That nation that has been so gifted and anointed when it comes to worship, that nation that has led the world in worship for so many years, that nation that has literally shaken the planet with their music.
God desires pure worship, may they come back purer and stronger than ever before.
I refuse to make a negative or critical comment about the two high-profile men of God who have made major slip-ups. King Saul was anything but a righteous king. Yet David honoured him in a dirge.
"The beauty of Israel is slain on your high places! How the mighty have fallen! Tell it not in Gath, proclaim it not in the streets of Ashkelon - Lest the daughters of the Philistines rejoice, lest the daughters of the uncircumcised triumph." 2 Samuel 1:19-20
David did not call him a disobedient, spiritist, medium-seeking king, he called Saul mighty, the beauty of Israel. Gath, Ashkelon and the uncircumcised Philistines may mock and rejoice, but may their mocking and rejoicing not be a result of David's failure to protect and honour his predecessor.
The world may mock at the two men of God's moral failures but i will not join them. And may i not say anything that the world can use to pour scorn on the two men of God.
The sharks are waiting to punish and tear them apart but Bill Johnson said it so aptly, "The core of biblical discipline is restoration, not punishment."